
I am currently on my semester break and I have a lot of free time. Hence, the existence of this post. I'll try to keep it as short and compact as possible so people don't loathe at the length of this post (if somebody ever reads it la kan hahahaha)

Anyways, for the first semester, there will be 9 subjects including Study skills (?) masa interim je belajar benda ni. In this course, we basically learn about our campus lah. The assessment that we had to do was to do a campus tour! It was fun and hot as I was in Melaka lmao. Now let's get to the subjects.


Okay so course ni bukan untuk LG je but everyone in UiTM has to take this course. If you pass the EPT test, you'll be able to jump one semester ahead. You need to pay a certain amount to sit for this test. Tak mahal pun, dalam RM20 macam tu. Masa interim dia akan brief. For LG students, it is compulsory for you guys to take the test. Orang lain, optional. 

So, in this course, there will be 4 tests at the end of the semester. Reading, listening, speaking and writing (?) I can't remember tapi PRLA hahaha. PRLA is like literature. Komsas macam tu hahaha. There's like HOTS questions sometimes that asks for your opinion on the story like "What is the most important part in the short story" or "Why do you think blabla.." So, let your imagination roam freeeee. I goreng teruk time PRLA and read the short stories on the way pergi class that morning but thank god I got 8.5/10 for both tests (ada 2 PRLA satu semester). Bolela tu bolela tu hahahaha. My advice is: Make your essay sound convincing and provide as many evidence as you can. 
In my opinion, ELC151 ni sebijik macam MUET. So if you've sat for MUET I don't think you'll have a lot of problems with ELC151 sangat. Just do not procrastinate lah. My lecturer was the kind Miss Azrina. Every day in class she would ask random individuals that she would pick and tell the class what news have they read on that day. So, she drove me to know the things that are happening around the world. She is super patient, kind and soft-spoken! You are going to have a lot of fun if you get her to be your lecturer :) Difficulty level: 2/5
Okay, so pronunciation is a class about,,,,, pronunciation... ha terkejut kan. Anyways, this class is a bit difficult but if you focus in class and do the exercises that the teacher gives you aside from doing your own reading then it would be a piece of cake! What you will be learning is places of articulation (?) tak ingat dah. It is basically about where your teeth and tongue (amongst other things) should be when you pronounce certain letters. This requires understanding and memorization jee. Then you belajar phonetics. I actually like this part but I tend to get confused. Here, you learn about how to spell the words the way it is pronounced using phonetics symbols and vice versa. So, what are phonetic symbols? Its this.
So just biasakan dengan the symbols and you should be alright. I suka transcribe words that come to mind using websites like https://tophonetics.com/ and https://myefe.com. Towards the end of the semester, you will have to do a roleplay. Pick a movie, and you have to act. It was fun la and we did the movie 'Hidden Figures' and I played Catherine! Come up with a script and memorize it. The lecturer that taught me was Ms. Aqilah! She is super helpful and kind too. Don't be afraid of asking her things that you don't understand as she will help you until you do. I am super grateful for her. Just pay attention in class or she will marah you la siapa je tak marah kalau you main main lmao. Anyways, she's a lot of fun and funny too! Look forward to your semester if you get her as your lecturer! Diffuclty level: 3/5

Aaaaand that's about it for now. I'll do more on other subjects later. I don't want this post to get too long. Next post will be about (ELS105, ALS103 and ALS104)

Thanks for reading!


  1. Hey... may i know your academic calender?

    1. Hi! It's available on their website and this semester starts on the 3/9 :)


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