Okay , so I don't have lots of friends her on blogger but I want to make some. I rlly do bc i've been blogging for sooooo long it's just that I haven't had the time to update it too often. Bc of school , homework, upcoming exams etc. So I need several blogs that are willing to be featured on my fave blogs part of my blogs , kinda like my bloglist. I f you don't wanna put my blog in your bloglist then it's fine. I don't mind. But if you want to , YEAH I LOOOVE YOU :3. So leave your links in the comments if you're interested bc I need friends. I want friends. Immaaa loner T_T. *cries a river of blood* but srsly. Leave em in the comment or say that you want to be in my bloglist in my chatbox. I'll update it as soon as I can. I think this is quite short. I'm trying to making it longer or at least SEEM like it's a looong entry but I can't bc what I had to say. Has been said ? Okay so,

BYE ! 
