How to : talk to your crush

its crazy b.c there's 2 exes i have feelings for..and i will always have a place in my heart for both of them. i wish i could be happy with my recent ex bc i love this kid so damn much and made so many sacrifices for him..but shit ran its course. my other ex and me are cool now..but my feelings for him has gotten so stronggg and i love talking to him. i miss him so much =/ im scared of bein hurt bc both of these guys are just a like

Hi , 

Harini nak bagi tips on how to talk to your crush , haaaaaa - from what I've been experiencing , we all  have this problem of stuttering or tergagap - gagap , gelabah bila crush tegur or nak tanya crush , sometimes it's about your school work pun but gelabah korang , kalah gelabah 'dia' bila hairspray habis. Okay so , First Of All

Be confident , evryone is pretty you just need the right man , NOT A BOY to point out the beauty in you , Tak semua lelaki douchebag , although 90 percent of them are , tapi Allah dah setkan kita the perfect man , just wait for your turn :)
BE YOURSELF. Let's say you guys masa cakap dengan 'dia' you guys try to behave like a common white girls , let's say your trying to be Regina ,  So , kalau the dude suka you , ITS NOT YOU THAT HE LIKES ITS REGINA. So be yourself , that way you can see whether he can accept you flaws or not bc no one is flawless tbh 
 NEVER EVER EVER EVER LIE. OK LYING IS VERY BAD. It's not only a sin but c'mon pls be honest like kalau macam tipu sunat tak siap homework bc you're tryna avoid some ass whoopin tu boleh lakot idk tapi kalau dia tanya "What have you been doing tday ?' JUST ANSWER THAT SIMPLE QUESTION WITH HONESTY. Jangan ah nak bagi gempak ke apa you guys nak try jeleskan dia and say " Takde apa sangat , just going out for a coffee with Adam" kesian lahai mamat tu. Seems like it's not a big deal but IT IS OKAY
BE HYGIENIC. Ok this is very important for making a first good impression bc if you only look like heaven but smells like a rotten egg you might as well be a potato bc no one likes a smelly squad :p . Girls in particular have to deal with period and all that shit so we need to take extra care dengan kebersihan kita , so bagi wangi - wangi , kemas - kemas , bersih - bersih then you'll feel lagi selesa around 'him' 
Okay I think that's all from me for now ,
PS;// If your crush doesn't like you back , don't worry starbuck bukan secawan habis satu cup boleh beli lagi :P don't feel down bc every girl is a princess :) Byeeee :))))

 The Dolan Twins!


  1. Do you think confess to crush is the right thing to do? I need opinion haha srsly do. cause idk what would happen next after confessing to him

    1. Dude , if he feels the same way then congrats la kan haha but if he acts weird or smth else just retain the friendship that you guys have - I guess ? but good luck once you've kumpul kau punya courage. If you do. BERANINYAAAA KAAAAU AKU TAKUT but kalau kau nak confess then go ahead :) goodluck sisthor


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