How To : Study Better

Hi , 

Today I nak kongsi tips on how to study better (obviously ish aku ni). So without further procrastination lets begin !

  • First , Obvs you guys have to find a comfortable study place , setengah orang suka study atas katil bc you can lie down and get comfy others like to study on a steady table bc boleh write notes better so choose at your own keselesaan 
  • Tutup semua distractions like your phone , tv , laptops those kinda stuff but some prefer study while listening to music and ada bunyi so depends 
  • Use FLASHCARDS . okay if you don't know what this is really it's okay bc Malaysia kan maju lol memang ramai tak tahu so lemme tell you , Flashcrads are like kad kad yang masa kecik alif , ba , ta semua tu yang bagi senang kita nak hafal haa tu . use those to memorize things for subjects like Sejarah , Geografi , Agama , Sains , Formula Maths. EVERY FRICKIN SUBJECT really. trust me this work oh and you use flashcards by taking out a piece of paper , cut in into lots an lots of squares , rectangles , circles. YOUR CHOICE but I prefer rectangle ones sebab senang nak write , ok then write your question on one side of the paper and the answer on the back so when you read the question and kalau korang tak hafal just refer the back for the answer ! Simple and easy stuff
  • Highlight anything important . AS I DID ABOVE. I highlighted them bc those are the steps ti make a flashcard so it's kinda important 
  • Sekali - sekala tu amek la waktu rehat , in other word take frequent breaks. This will help a lot bc otak dah cramp hafaaaaal je so kenala release sikit so MAKANLAH
  • Okay when I say makan , don't take junkfoods , chips , sodas , benda benda centu ah sebab nant buat otak lembap :p kadang kadang bolelah tapi janganlah besok nak exam kau makan maggi lol sengaja mementang kau badass (jk im kidding okay ily)
SO , THAT'S IT I THINK. I hope you can get straight A's in the exam that you're going to sit for and all the best ! BYE !
