How To : Improve speaking to crowds

Hi and Assalamualaikum ,
Salam Maulidur rasul,
Happy Birthday To Louis Tomlinson (my sunshine)

So , sempena back to school season. I would like to give you a few tips on how to improve your skills at speaking to crowds. Kita semua tahu yang Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia dah jalankan cara pembeljaran mengikut pbs dan band kan. Jadi kalau nak dapat band 6 kena buat presentation dekat depan kelas , jadi kamu semua yang pemalu kena buang sifat tu sebab cakap mestilah lantang dan lancar. Okay , Without any further or do , let's get on it :)


  • Make sure you know what is your topic and what are you going to discuss. Study betul betul your points and make sure you facts are true and tak ada salah 
  • JANGAN HAFAL , instead of hafal kau kena faham. That way kalau orang tanya soalan , kau boleh jawab and not be dumbfounded nanti sebab boleh deduct marks 


  • Practice makes perfect , as they say. Jadi kalau kau ni nak berjaya tapi malas , memang susah la jalan kau tapi kalau rasa macam nak senang masa hari presentation nanti , practce depan cermin try tengok kau punya hand movement kau and tengok kau lack mana dan perbaiki 
  • Practice dengan family , sebab kadang kadang kau dah practice sendiri tapi tak nampak salah kita dekat mana , jadi kalau ada family , diorang boleh tunjuk mana salah kita 


  • Make flashcards and tulis points je on your flashcards and NOT YOUR SCRIPT. So you'll not be restricted to you script and boleh kembangkan ayat sendiri. Trust me , teachers can tell perbezaan di antara kau terangkan atau kau baca 


  •  Before the moment comes , calm yourself. Take a deep breathe and project your calm demeanour. Jangan nampak kelam kabut sebab nanti orang tak akan pay attention as much because the lose confidence on you.
  • Beberapa hari sebelum hari presentation kau , banyak tidur , doa dekat allah semoga berjalan lancar and bertawakkal. Inshaallah lancar 

Presentation hacks

  • Focus on familiar faces. Eg: Guru / Best Friends 
  • Use hand motions because I'll help you. Trust me 
  • Have fun and jangan nampak so strict , Senyum 
  • Kalau tangan kau menggeletar , move your toes or like 'wiggle' (this word is gross idek) your toes and it will calm you down almost instantly
  • Kalau gagap , just drink water and fikir masa kau minum tu

That's it for now. Thanks for reading !
If you have any suggestions , drop them in the comments section and inshaallah I'll do it.
Don't to forget to follow :)
Have a good day !


  1. I am terrible in speaking in front of lot of people will try to do your tips next time when I do a presentation

  2. Glad I could help :) and thank you for the visit :D


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